Blood Bourne Pathogens Training & Hep B Vaccinations System

If you're tired of inefficient spreadsheets and are ready to take control of your BBP Training and Hep B Vaccinations then you need our fully customizable web based system.

The system will do the following for you:

  • Track client demographics including email address and employer
  • Track Hep B series include Manufacture/Lot of dose given, Schedule next dose appointment
  • Track Employers
  • Print or email Hep B appointment reminders, No Shows, Titer referrals
  • Track and schedule BBP training classes
  • Email Training and vaccinations schedules to municipalities, schools and other government agencies
  • Track Titer information including schedule date and results
  • Detail & summary statistics by employer listing the number of trainings and Hep B vaccinations
  • If applicable the system can generate invoices to bill participating municipalities/agencies

Replace your outdated, time-consuming system with our fully customizable web based software.

Schedule a Demo

If you would like to find out how our systems can help you work smarter, not harder call 919-460-0442 today to schedule a demo.

Experience the Difference

If you're ready to get your entire organization running more smoothly, to find solutions to your most pressing issues, and to get all of those demanding tasks completed more efficiently, call us today

Contact Us

PO Box 3654
Cary, NC 27518
Telephone: 919-460-0442